Here is a artical on how to connect two ec2 instances using ssh in Windows?

Its was really god experiance while learning about ssh and wanted to share small connectivity of above topic:

1] Create two aws EC2 instances with same key pair.

i.e Named as:- 1]ssh_instance_orignie, 2]ssh_instance_destination


now, connect to your first instance(ssh_instance_origine), connect using ssh.

for that copy ssh example link which is given in ssh connection tab.

Now, Open windows terminal

set a Current Directory as a Downloads:- #cd Downloads

Check the File ssh-instance.pem available in Downloads by applying command #dir or in linux $ls

Then, paste that copyed ssh example in cmd and hit enter.

now your ssh_instance_origine will be connected to your local Machine

Then, goto ssh file by entering $cd .ssh

Check the List by entering $ls

you will get a authorized_keys file just open it using $cat authorized_keys.

Now, Open new windows terminal,

goto Downloads directory using #cd Downloads

now you will get ssh-instance.pem file, open it and copy whole key from there

for opening the file use command #type ssh-instance.pem

copy all key

Now, go to 1st ssh_instance-origine terminal and create file ssh-instance2.pem file by using command #vim ssh-instance2.pem

paste the key and save it.

check for the file created or not

Step 2]:-

Now open new windows terminal and go to directory Downloads using #cd Downloads

Now give the permission for ssh-instence.pem file to read only by applying command

#attrib -r ssh-instance.pem

Then, Try to connect ssh_instance_destination to the windows terminal by coppying ssh example which is present in ssh connect.

Hence, we have successfully connected our both the instances.









Shubham Londhe