Introduction to Devops
Hii Falks....!!!
Few days before i has started a devops journey where initialy i come to know about what devops is.
Following are some of the key points which i was introduced to:-
1] What is Devops:-
Devops is a study or technology which focuses on development and operations by using different tools like jenkins,kubernatise,ansible,promithius,graphana and many more.
2] why to move towards devops?
Basically devops is one of the technology which is different from all the other technologies because it provides high availability, scalability, configuration management,automation and monitoring in every phase of production and deployment.
3]What are the different usecase of Tools in devops?
git:- Git is a version control system used for branching and merging the updates done.
github:- It is a platform were all the developers can put the code in repositry and can perform different kind of operation like push,pull,clone,init etc.
Linux:- linux is one of the operating system used on high proirity basis in devops bcoz it is more user friendly,open source and configurable.
Aws:- Amazon Web Services is a platorm where we can use different kind of services like ec2 server, database services,and many more.There are theree types of Models Named as Infrastructure as a service,Platform as a service and application as a service.
Docker:- Docker is Contanization tool use to create A lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools.
Ansible :- Ansible is a opensource automation tool design to streamline and simplify various IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, task automation, and orchestrating complex workflows. Developed in Python, Ansible uses a simple, human-readable language called YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) for its configuration files, making it accessible to both developers and system administrators.
**Jenkins:-**Jenkins is an open-source automation server that facilitates the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of software projects. It helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of code changes, making it easier for development teams to integrate their code changes into a shared repository and deliver reliable software quickly.
Some of other tools are listed below:- Terraform,Graphana,Promithius,Hashicorp,etc.
That it for today we will com up with more interasting and advance Blogs of Devops #KeepLearnigKeepGrowing.